The Woodturner's

Brian Clifford's woodturning resources

(More information: about this site)

me lathe
The author

General information
1. About this site
3. What people say

Copyright notice
Before making use of these files please read the copyright notice. Failure to read this notice does not exempt the user from the conditions of use.

More photos of turnings
These photos are of turnings I have made over the years. Some of them are quite old. I hope they may be of some interest and, perhaps, provide some ideas.

Video clips
The 'V' cut
Cutting a bead.
Cutting a cove.
Squaring the end of a spindle turning.
Rounding the end of a spindle turning.
The "Raffan" cut
Go to video clips

Introduction To Woodturning
An e-book for beginners
A popular starting place for those just taking up woodturning
Note re: unauthorised sales of this e-book
on eBay Click here

General articles
1. Wood
The structure of wood and how it is
affected by drying
2. How dry is my wood?
How to determine the moisture content
of your wood without a meter.
3. An introduction to the design of vessels
4. Creative woodturning

The Galleries:
1. Bowls and other vessels
2. Natural edge vases
3. Natural edge goblets
4. Other goblets
6. Some boxes
5. Composite hollow forms
10. Burr elm vessels
10. Potpourri
7. Rimmed bowls
8. Clocks
9. Carvings

Useful reference information
1. A bibliography of woodturning
2. An interactive glossary of terms
used in woodturning

1. A bowl turning attachment
2. A sharpening system
3. A folding tool rest
4. A thickness gauge
5. Bevel angle checkers
6. Bespoke screw chucks

Marketing woodturning skills:
1. Introduction
2. Marketing turnery
3. Marketing other woodturning skills:
(a) Writing for magazines
4. Pricing woodturnery
5. A note on copyright


Projects: general
1a. Natural edge goblets
1b. Natural edge goblets revisited
2. A hand mirror
3. A simple box
4. A baby's rattle
5. Wind chimes
6. A Windsor stool
7. Roll holders & mug trees
8. Coffee mills
9. Some clocks

Projects for beginners
1. A dibber
2. A pencil pot
2. A bud vase
Most of the above are also provided as pdf files which are more suitable for printing.

PDF files
1. Introduction To WT
2. Projects etc.

A brief history of woodturning

Book reviews
The Pole Lathe Plan Book

Useful accessories
1. Sanding disk
2. Polishing mop

Answers to questions from viewers

trees.jpg - 1656 Bytes
General interest
Trees, wood and people
Some views about the importance of trees - in the past, today and tomorrow.

After years of building and managing this website, I have decided to retire. I would like to thank The Woodturners Guild of Ontario for offering to preserve this resource indefinitely by hosting it through their website. While there will be no further updates or changes, I hope woodturners will continue to find it a useful resource. Sincerely,
Brian Clifford

Email Brian

© Brian Clifford, Lincolnshire, England Last update: August 2017