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Marketing and Pricing Woodturning Skills

Part 2

Marketing Other Woodturning Skills

In the general introduction to this series of articles I mentioned a number of ways in which turners could augment their incomes by marketing their other skills. The chief of these are:
Making and selling videos
Participation in one or more of these activities is well worthwhile because it increases the 'visibility' of the turners engaged in them. As a result the activities are mutually reinforcing, the turners' names become better known among the woodturning fraternity and their services should become more sought after. So the more of them turners engage in the more likely they are to be financially successful.

As well as having woodturning skills turners who wish to make a success of these ventures will have to develop new areas of expertise. I hope the following notes will be of some assistance along the way. As I indicated in the general introduction I will not only be offering some general comments on the way in which marketing principles can be applied to these activities, but also some suggestions regarding their execution.

To begin with writing. The most important areas I will be concerned with here are writing and selling: (a) articles for magazines, and (b) books. I will deal with magazine articles first.

Go to "Writing for magazines"